Monday, February 25, 2013

Oh Dear Goodness

Whats up bros,

The guy that I let share my office has a meeting way upstate today, so I don't have anyone to laugh with at the expense of the individual in question.

Pierre-Ludovic Duclos-Lasnier apparently likes to get down some girls. I mean like little girls. Now normally, in American Society, some vague weirdo French guy shots would be taken at Mr. Duclos-Lasnier, but it turns out, most French guys are actually pretty legit; despite their stereotype and record in World Wars.

Let's review the facts of the case:
-The girl was 13
-He's older then 15; 27 to be exact
-Sends D*&^ Pic
-Offers up sexual predator meet and greet
-Get's busted
-This all happens in Florida; America's most backwards place on Earth

SIDE NOTE: Floridians, WTF, how many seasons of Cops were filmed in Florida? And why do the folks always look like the popular culture depiction of an Alabama fan? As long as I'm asking questions, why does every weird thing ever happen in Florida; Hi Casey Anthony.

Not to go all To Catch a Predator on you, but here's an image of our guy .

He seems pretty normal, for a French guy #AmericaJoke. The dark hair and Auburn beard may have been a red flag, but otherwise pretty normal. Here's a question I pose to you, do all sickos look kind of normal? Because I feel like they do. You have some that are kind of obvious. But its mostly tough to spot.

Here's a few other famously gross human beings that look pretty Average Joe-like:

Ted Kaczynski
Ed Gein
Anakin Skywalker 
That sick minerals guy in Avatar
The guy I let share my office

Heads up for these kinds of people, society, you never fully know what they're up to. Now for a special version of The Only Words That Matter on pedophilia and other deviant behavior, here's Harley Babeslayer's take.

I never trusted that sicko in the first place. He really should just have gotten into ditch digging or car washing for a living instead of being in tennis...

Who, some French guy? Not the Tennis Bro... This is awkward.

All of this Pierre pepe Le Peeyuu stuff would mean something if this guy was even good enough to have a profile on the ATP website. He doesn't. I would say this suckass's top priority oughta be playing a sport professionally he isn't awful at. I wager the babeslayer could beat this predator with my woody; not to be mistaken with any pervert innuendos, in my right hand and my left hand tied, or furry handcuffed since we're dealing with a real freak here, behind my back.

What the hell is the deal with all these functioning skidmarks on society's underpants these days? First we had the jersey shore; I think people in New Jersey are actually like that, but who asked that state to exist? Then Honey Boo Boo came out; I f&*%ing hate that family and the irreparable damage they've done to my beautiful home town of McIntyre, Georgia. Now we have Manti Te'o that dipshit moron the Tennis Bro loves to knock on so hard.

I have a SIDE NOTE for you: Te'oing isn't funny anymore you idiot jockey. Harley Shaking is the thing to do nowadays. Speaking of, EA Sports, if I get one more email blast about a Grand Slam Tennis 2 Harlem Shake video I'm going to start using my racket as a defensive tool in a bodily spot you'll want to avoid.

Now this suck stick is getting an ESPN blog for attempting to go full-stajjjj on some little girl? Can't wait to see him out at the bar reciting Megan's Law to everyone. I keep serving up the lightning and smashing $$$$ on my backhand; I know digital Sharapova has taken to liking my style, how couldn't she?

This is ridiculous. Screw ESPN, screw the Tennis Bro, screw Honey Boo Boo and screw this French guy. One of these days I'll be number one and you can all eat a big pile of s%$*.

That's all for today bros, better get old Harley a fresh tampon before he genuinely hurts someone.

A Bro Above All,

Billy Stein ~ The Tennis Bro

I hope the Tennis Bro chokes on a lean cuisine

Harley Babeslayer ~ Professional Tennis Player

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