Tuesday, March 5, 2013

That is Blogworthy

How's it going bros?

Lately, I've noticed, every time I attempt to do something cool my friends ask me, are you going to add that to your blog? Are you going to blog about it? Will that make it in the blog?

Firstly, that's freakin' awesome that anybody reads this thing enough to hope that if I'm going to light a bag a dog dookie on fire and ring my weirdo neighbor's doorbell, it makes it on here. And when I do that to him, eventually, it will surely make it on the internet.

SIDE NOTE: Today is my brother Dan's, 26th birthday.  I called him at 8:41 Mississippi time, which I think is like midnight last night California time. Tweet at him @2finestein to wish him the opposite of a happy birthday today.

We here at the tennis bro, and by we I mean me, and maybe the guy I let share my office, like to make lists. So here's a list of things I consider #blogworthy.


1. Men's tennis distributors, enough yellow clothing. This trend does not look cool, in fact it's annoying. Here's a situation for you: You're watching a tennis match, both bros are testing the yellow section of the color wheel. You want to keep up with the fast-moving yellow ball, but oh wait you can't because the full yellow outfit is too distracting.

2. Are the Miami Heat ever going to lose again? They aren't just winning games, they're playing on a whole other level then the rest of the league right now. The sanctity of the movie Moneyball; a top 20 favorite of mine, is going to become highly questionable if the Heat keep winning. Like any kickass dude of a certain age, I used the streak as a platform to cast awesome unintentional political tweets.

3. My Alma Mater cured AIDS. I wouldn't actually write anything about this, but I'm just saying it happened... in Mississippi, playa.

4. At one point I won 4 matches in a row on xbox live using Harley Babeslayer.

5. Arantxa Rus is perfect. I could probably fill a notebook on that one.

6. Selfies are stupid and serve absolutely zero purpose unless you inherit some rocking aves from your pimp ass deceased grandpa. That face was ridiculous and not cool, and I'm ok with that. I'm not really sure if you're supposed to smile or pull a stupid face when taking a picture to show off your kick ass new frames.

7. @Chase_Aertker and I will be releasing a new video on the Bizaertker Channel in a few weeks that surely will be more entertaining then anything else you'll do in that short time span. #Spoiler

Just so we're clear, the whole point of this was to inform you that yellow tennis clothes suck, Arantxa Rus is a babe, selfies are not cool at all and my alma mater, not Harvard, cured HIV.

That felt so good I'm going to say it again, my alma mater, not Harvard, cured HIV.

A Bro Above All

Billy Stein ~ The Tennis Bro

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